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One or more establishments providing retail services in a single building with a floor area of 15,000 square feet or less. The goods offered for sale are primarily stored inside of an enclosed building. Examples include baked goods stores, candy/confectionary stores, clothing stores, pharmacies, florists, fruit and/or vegetable stores, bookstores, gift stores, grocery stores, hardware stores, hobby shops, meat, fish or poultry markets, optical stores, art studios, shoe stores, soda and ice cream stores, sporting goods stores, tobacco stores, and variety stores. The term does not include adult-oriented establishments or any other retail use defined in Appendix B.
Districts Where Allowed
Permitted by Right
Permitted as a Conditional Use
Vehicle Parking:
1 space for each 350 square feet of gross floor area
Bicycle Parking:
Recommendation - 2 percent of the number of required vehicle parking spaces, but not less than 6
Passenger Loading:
Merchandise Loading:
1 small berth required for 6,000 to 12,499 square feet; 2 small berths for 12,500 to 24,999 square feet; 1 large berth for 25,000 to 39,999 square feet; 2 large berths for 40,000 to 99,999 square feet; 2 large berths plus 1 large berth for each additional 80,000 square feet over 100,000 square feet for more than 100,000 square feet (see § 52.2413 for more on size requirements for small and large berths)
Supplemental Standards:
(A) Negative use agreement. A retail business must comply with the prohibition of negative use agreements in § 52.1034.
(B) Reserved