About Our Zoning Code
The City of Hartford's zoning code is a set of rules that guide how land in our community can be used and developed. The City is divided into 22 base zoning districts, each of which is visually represented on a zoning map. For each district, the zoning code lists permitted land uses, specifying which uses can proceed with a limited administrative review and which require a more formal public review process.
In addition to defining permitted land uses, our zoning code includes standards to regulate the physical attributes of new buildings, such as size, height, and required setbacks from neighboring properties. Additional standards for building design, site layout, landscaping, parking, and outdoor lighting help ensure new development projects are a communitywide asset.
To account for special circumstances, there are some overlay districts that impose additional rules relating to wellhead protection, land uses and height of structures around the airport, and the shoreland areas.
Our code was initially adopted in 2014 and has been amended since then to meet our needs and our desire to regulate growth and development so that it aligns with our community’s long-term vision as described in our comprehensive plan. Most recently, the City adopted a new code rewrite in 2025.
In crafting our zoning regulations, we worked to balance individual property rights with broader community-wide objectives. Our collective goal is to foster a community that’s livable, resilient, and economically vibrant.
Our Commitment to You
With over 230 pages and a zoning map, we recognize that navigating our zoning code can be challenging. We are dedicated to providing the resources, guidance, and support needed to make the development process as smooth as possible for everyone. We pledge to maintain open lines of communication and offer assistance whether you are a developer or a neighbor of a proposed development. We are happy to help.
Hartford is committed to ensuring that our zoning regulations are clear, accessible, and fair for all residents.
About this Website
This website is your guide to understanding and navigating Hartford's zoning code. You can explore key parts of our zoning regulations and access specific zoning details for any parcel by clicking on the interactive zoning map or using the property search. If you’re ready to move forward with a project, you’ll find information on required review processes and can conveniently submit your completed application online.
We hope you find our zoning website user-friendly, and we welcome your feedback on how we’re doing!