Any land use or activity that (1) releases atmospheric substances that could impair visibility or otherwise interfere with the operation of aircraft (smoke, steam, etc.); (2) produces light emissions, whether direct or indirect (reflective), that could interfere with the operation of aircraft (glare, light); (3) produces electrical, magnetic, or other emissions that could interfere with the operation of aircraft, aircraft communication, or aircraft guidance or navigation systems; (4) serves to create a wildlife attractant, such as large bodies of water, landfills, or compost facilities; [1] (5) creates penetrations to airspace that could interfere with the operation of aircraft, such as wind turbines, communication towers, or natural vegetation, or (6) creates an avigation hazard of any other type is prohibited.
Editorial notes:
[1] Refer to FAA advisory circular 150/5200-33 for details.